Learn the style for gloves if crafting gloves, etc. In order to craft the style requested you must find or purchase that style and learn it for that specific piece of armor.Set crafting benches have specific locations in various zones throughout Tamriel. Archaeological AchievementsThere are two achievements (points scored for accomplishing things within a game) in TR: DE related to archaeology.Players earn Relic Hunter by discovering 25 of the. For instance if it asks you to craft Hunding’s Rage, you will need to find the Hunding’s Rage bench. Once you have learned the required number of traits you may also need access to that specific crafting bench.
This means you must have researched 5 traits on every type of item at that bench (blacksmith bench for exmaple). First you must have learned the number of traits required to craft the set. They will often require you to craft very specific items, specifying the trait, set, quality and even style. Master writs the same as regular writs, except they have much more specific requirements that you can choose to accept only after opening / reading the Master Writ from within your inventory.